Pendlebury Research has recently changed its name to Novatrials. We are a private clinical trials site run by a dedicated team of medical staff, located in Kotara, Newcastle, NSW. Our friendly …
Children’s Hospitals Network provide investigators and industry sponsors with support for all types of clinical research ranging from trials of novel therapeutic agents to large public health prevention trials. Research …
University lead clinical trials initiative spanning private hospitals, primary healthcare and collaborations with public hospital service. we have broad therapeutic areas covered across primary care and within an acute setting …
The Teaching & Research Unit (TRU), located at Gosford Hospital on the Central Coast of New South Wales, is a collaboration between Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD) and the …
Public outpatients clinic and clinical trials unit for General Gastroenterology, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Hepatology. We have over 15 years experience in clinical trials with access to Endoscopy Unit, Laboratory, …
Nepean Hospital is a public hospital where clinical trials are also conducted. We have 6 Gastroenterologists and 4 study coordinators in our department. We are all trained in GCP. We …
The South West Sydney Area Health Service covers a vast area and includes a uniquely cultural diverse population. We currently have 21 different clinical trial units covering 17 different specialties. …
Feasibilities for all new studies are facilitated by a central point of contact, which is the Clinical Research Manager (Richard Verrelli) based in the Office for Research at The Royal …