Public hospital site with a dedicated clinical trials unit we have labs / pharmacy support for trials /data bases / GCP trained staff / 15 years clinical trials experience with …
We are a clinical trial unit attached to a public outpatient diabetes clinic. We have conducted well over 100 clinical trials in the past 15 years and specialise in the …
The South West Sydney Area Health Service covers a vast area and includes a uniquely cultural diverse population. We currently have 21 different clinical trial units covering 17 different specialties. …
Feasibilities for all new studies are facilitated by a central point of contact, which is the Clinical Research Manager (Richard Verrelli) based in the Office for Research at The Royal …
GP based clinical trial centre with 60,000 patients on its database. Has been conducting GP based clinical trials since 2008. Our staff includes PI,3 sub-investigators, and 4 study coordinators Therapeutic …