We are a clinical trial unit attached to a public outpatient diabetes clinic. We have conducted well over 100 clinical trials in the past 15 years and specialise in the areas of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and other diabetes related conditions including hypertension and kidney disease. We are a team of 4 doctors (endocrinologists) and 3 study coordinators (diabetes nurse educators). We have access to patients who are referred to the outpatient diabetes service for diabetes education, advice and management. All clinical trial activities are performed on site including ECG’s, blood sample collection, processing and shipment, pharmacy – drug storage and dispensing. We are a public site and can participate in a joint NEAF submission with other public health sites. Our RGO approval timeframe is 2 to 4 weeks.
Therapeutic Areas: Diabetes, Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Diabetic Kidney Disease, and Peripheral Neuropathy.