Chronic Pancreatitis Trial


Metabolic and Endocrine


Both males and females


From 18

and above



Linear is currently inviting volunteers who have impaired function of their pancreas (a condition called exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, or EPI).  This condition is often caused by chronic pancreatitis, or where part of the pancreas has been removed (pancreatectomy).


During the study there are four outpatient visits, and five inpatient stays (each lasting 4-7 days), staying overnight in the Linear clinic. The total duration of the study is 3-4 months, depending on the interval between visits.  We will monitor your health throughout the study at clinic visits and during the time in between.

You are potentially-eligible if you –

Are a male or female aged 18 and above
Currently have chronic pancreatitis, or have had a distal pancreatectomy
Are using Creon® or another pancreatic enzyme supplement
Are willing and able to adhere to study requirements, including avoidance of excessive alcohol consumption during the course of the study
Currently have EPI not due to cystic fibrosis

There are a number of other eligibility criteria that will be checked and discussed with you as part of the screening process. Participants in this study will be remunerated for their time and inconvenience.

To find out more, please contact our friendly Recruitment team on 1300 LINEAR (1300 546 327).




Clinical Trial Site: Linear Clinical Research Ltd
Phone Number: 1300 546 327 Email: Location: Hospital Avenue, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia

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Approved By: HREC              

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