Project Title: Sympathoinhibition as a preferred second line treatment of obesity related hypertension
This research study aims to optimise the treatment of hypertension in individuals with obesity. It will compare the effectiveness of two combinations of medications in lowering blood pressure, and will determine which combination therapy has a more beneficial effect on the symptoms and risk factors associated with obesity.
It will utilise 3 types of antihypertensive medications.
- Perindopril will be used as ‘background’ therapy – you will receive this medication for the duration of the study. This is required so that you are not exposed to risk associated with untreated hypertension.
- The other 2 treatments: Moxonidine and Amlodipine will be added to this treatment, one at a time to compare their effectiveness in lowering blood pressure and decreasing obesity related symptoms (weight, nerve activity, blood sugar levels etc).
If you have the following below, you may be eligible for the trial!
- BMI≥30kg/m2
- Diagnosis with hypertension
- Stable weight over the past 6 months