

Both males and females


From 25

to 65 years



Project Title: Effects of SGLT-2 inhibition on Sympathetic Nervous System Activity in Humans


This research study aims to assess whether Jardiance® (otherwise known as Empagliflozin), a medication approved for treatment of type 2 diabetes decreases the activity of the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS); the system responsible for the fight or flight response.

In a recent, large study the medication Jardiance® used to treat type 2 diabetes was shown not only to improve blood sugar levels but to reduce the relative risk of death resulting from cardiovascular causes (heart attack and heart failure). While it is understood that Jardiance® lowers blood sugar levels by increasing the amount of sugar that is removed from the body via the urine, it is not clear why treatment with Jardiance® also resulted in improved cardiovascular outcomes. This project therefore focuses on the ‘basic science’ or understanding the mechanisms by which Jardiance® exerts its actions.

You are invited to take part in this research because you have a body mass index (BMI) ≥30kg/m2 and have been diagnosed with diabetes or metabolic syndrome (a collection of conditions which together increase the risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease).


If you have any of the following below, you may be eligible for the trial!

  • BMI≥30kg/m2
  • Stable weight over the past 6 months
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Pre diabetes (elevating fasting glucose)
  • Elevated cholesterol

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Approved By: Research Ethics and Governance, East Metropolitan Health Services              

Clinical Trial Registry Link: